The Tipping Point: Journalism and the All-Out War on Truth


This May, with Bucha as a solemn backdrop, the Media Development Foundation and Ukrainska Pravda gather journalists and experts confronting assaults on truth. Discussions will address emerging threats while championing reporting’s core goal of investigating wrongdoing and guiding society toward justice.


Sessions will provide analysis on pressing challenges around censorship, surveillance, trauma, and building public trust.

By shedding light on vital issues of our time, we help restore facts, give voice to affected communities, uphold dignity, and ensure such atrocities are never repeated. An awards ceremony will honor groundbreaking journalists whose courageous work champions truth against all odds.
Though the horizons may seem dark, Ukraine’s free press persists in rising to meet the moment.
Let the light of truth guide us forward.
Time lefts to the conference:

Conference Overview:

The conference will feature panel discussions on a variety of topics, including:
The State of Investigative Reporting During Wartime
Ukraine's journalists have faced immense challenges reporting vital facts during a time of unparalleled upheaval and uncertainty. From perpetual physical danger to increasing legal and political pressure, reporters relentlessly pave the way for truth and transparency even as the fog of war obscures the path forward. This panel convenes Ukraine's top investigative journalists on the unprecedented threats they confront in pursuit of accountability and justice.
Reporting from an Active War Zone
Gaining access to active military zones poses monumental obstacles for journalists covering the reality of war. Complex barriers around security, logistics, communication and more hinder reporting from frontline contexts. This crucial panel convenes top Ukrainian war correspondents with military press officers to candidly confront the unprecedented challenges of balanced, ethical battlefield coverage.
Navigating Global War Fatigue and Persistence in Foreign Coverage
As the war passes its first solemn year, global curiosity about Ukraine's plight risks losing intensity despite continued suffering. This crucial panel convenes top foreign journalists to trade insights on the state of overseas reporting in a drawn-out crisis. Candid discussions will assess emerging obstacles to balanced coverage, best practices in an enduring crisis without desensitizing global publics, and bolstering international reporting on Ukraine as the world turns attention elsewhere.
Case Study: Examining War Crimes in Ukraine
As violence and unrest continues, establishing an accurate record of atrocities poses exceptional challenges for journalists and justice advocates in Ukraine and abroad. This panel convenes experts spearheading dedicated documentation projects to candidly assess obstacles and strategies around evidencing human rights violations for eventual prosecution.
Bucha Journalism Conference Prize: Honoring Ukraine's Finest Journalism
As journalism confronts unprecedented threats, accurate reporting in the public interest deserves commemoration now more than ever. To conclude the 2024 Bucha Conference, we present awards recognizing groundbreaking Ukrainian journalists whose intrepid coverage encapsulates integrity, courage and commitment to facts.

Speakers: TBD

Myroslava Gongadze

Myroslava Gongadze

VOA Eastern Europe buro Chief
Marc Santora

Marc Santora

International News Editor, The New York Times
Petro Shuklinov

Petro Shuklinov

News chief editor at
Anna Babinets

Anna Babinets

Editor-in-chief of
Yulia McGuffie

Yulia McGuffie

Editor-in-chief of the NV
Angelina Kariakina

Angelina Kariakina

Head of news, Suspilne (2021-2023)
Sevgil Musayeva

Sevgil Musayeva

Editor-in-chief of the Ukrainska Pravda
Natalya Nagorna

Natalya Nagorna

Special war correspondent of TSN
Anna Kaliuzhna

Anna Kaliuzhna

War correspondent of
Olga Kyrylenko

Olga Kyrylenko

Journalist of Ukrainska Pravda
Andriy Dubchak

Andriy Dubchak

Founder and CEO of the Donbas Frontliner media
Matthew Luxmoore

Matthew Luxmoore

Reporter at the Wall Street Journal
Isabelle Khurshudyan

Isabelle Khurshudyan

Reporter at the The Washnington Post
Yevgen Spirin

Yevgen Spirin

Editor-in-chief of Babel
Yanina Sokolova

Yanina Sokolova

Ukrainian journalist, social activist, blogger. Author and presenter of the program on Channel 5, projects on YouTube.
Nataliya Gumenuk

Nataliya Gumenuk

Founder and CEO at Public Interest Journalism Lab


BUCHA - is a town of around 36,000 people roughly 16 miles northwest of Kyiv in the wider Kyiv region.
In light of the tragic events that took place in Bucha, Ukraine, in the spring of 2022, this conference serves as both a memorial and a call to action for media professionals worldwide. We gather to remember the victims of the Bucha mass killings and reflect on the role of the media in times of war.



Media partners:


Bucha Journalism Conference 2023

Overview of main panels from the previous year's conference